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Published triannually until 2014, Interact was CGM's widely read journal offering insight into the gospel, the nature of the church, and the nature of ministry within the church. A valuable resource to church leaders and Christians today, Interact continues to be made available online.

Interact is an excellent resource for all Christians. You will benefit greatly from regularly reading Interact whether you are a Pastor, church leader or a Christian committed to becoming mature in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:15). Interact will help you gain a more complete understanding of the gospel, the nature of the church, and the nature of ministry within the church. Interact is also full of practical tips and suggestions for helping your local church to stay healthy and effectively reach out to the local community. If you are serious about your growth as a Christian then Interact is for you! Although it is no longer being published, Interact is still relevant today and many Interact  volumes and individual articles are still available for download here on our website.


We will be updating all of the Interact  volumes online in time so please check back later.

Permission to reprint articles from Interact can be sought by contacting Kel Willis, with the understanding that full recognition and acknowledgment of its source is given.
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Interact articles can be searched by subject, volume and alphabetically. Click below. 


CGM is an interdenominational and non-profit organisation. Our mission is to contribute to the life and growth of God’s people and to the church at large.


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© 2024 by CGM. 

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