The Experience Trap
By Kel Willis
Exploring the role of experience in faith, this book examines the nature and source of some current experience-centred movements and provides a biblical foundation for determining the validity of spiritual experiences.
About this book
A faith that is devoid of experience becomes at best a mere intellectual exercise, unable to really change us or significantly meet the deep spiritual needs that all of us have. At worst, it becomes a legalistic master, constantly demanding what we cannot achieve and then condemning us for our failure to measure up to its requirements.
On the other hand, a faith that is dependent and focused on spiritual experiences produces in us a constant need for ‘something more’ in order to maintain the spiritual momentum of our lives. Because all experience by its very nature is transitory, an experience-centred faith results in insecurity, instability and, frequently, disillusionment.
This book examines the nature and source of some current experience-centred movements and provides a biblical foundation for determining the validity of spiritual experiences. It deals with issues such as:
the importance of the mind
the place of prophecy today
the problem of suffering and healing
the miraculous intervention of God
the basis for stable, satisfying Christian experience
The Experience Trap
A biblical foundation for determining the validity of spiritual experiences
Author: Kel Willis
Available format: Paperback
$9.95 RRP Paperback
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